Petrifying Peppers

If you’re trying to tempt your little ones with veg this Halloween and steer them away from too many sweets, then why not give these Petrifying Peppers a go? They act as holders for lots of bite size pieces of vegetables such as carrot, celery, cucumber or pepper. Not all young children like the scariness of Halloween, so you can make your peppers as scary as you like to tempt them to give the veg a try. Making food look appealing like this can tempt even the most reluctant of eaters to try new foods. You can also get children to help you make this but remember that if your child uses a knife for cutting, to closely supervise them to avoid accidents. How to make Petrifying Peppers
Choose peppers that have a fairly flat base so they stand well. If they are too wobbly, cut a small bit off the bottom of the pepper to make it stand.
Slice the top off the pepper. Keep the lid so you can put it back on at the end.
Scoop out the seeds from inside the pepper.
Cut up some bite size pieces of any vegetables you have available and put them inside the pepper. It’s a great way to use up any leftover veg, like the end of a cucumber or a lone carrot.
- Place the lid back on to serve.
I hope you enjoy making these and don’t forget to have a fangtastic time on Halloween!
This blog is written by Zoe Griffiths, Registered Nutritionist (Public Health) at ZG Nutrition.